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Virtual Event

Breaking Into Business Markets

June 30, 2021 at 2 pm eastern 

Entry to the business market can bring life-changing profitability to your insurance and financial services practice. Where else can one conversation result in the acquisition of hundreds of new clients? While this market may be lucrative, it is highly competitive. However, there is a charted path to success in the business market, a path that Danny O’Connell has successfully navigated.

“Breaking into Business Markets” is for any advisor who is interested in expanding their practice to include business clients. It is also for those with experience in the business market who would like to gain additional ideas to increase their production. 

During the presentation, you will learn the secrets to incrementally building a successful business market practice. You will learn the importance of specialization and how to lay the groundwork through brand definition. Once successfully differentiated, Danny and Walter will equip you to gain the appointments and close the sale.   

Key Takeaways: 

  • How Danny and Walter created their own highly profitable dream agencies by expanding their practice to include businesses as clients 
  • The three Ps that motivate consumers and why understanding these is the key to your success in the business market 
  • The credibility focused phrase that establishes you as the expert and creates clients who will enthusiastically refer you to other business owners 




Danny Oconnell

Danny O’Connell

Next Level Insurance Agency, LLC


Walter Katz, CFP, AIF, ChFC

The K Corporation