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2 min read

Perfecting Your Public Speaking Prowess

By NAIFA on 12/6/22 10:00 AM

Public speaking is one of the most important skills a business professional can possess, but it's also a skill that can be difficult to master. There are many things to consider when preparing for and delivering a speech. That's why it's important to perfect your public speaking prowess.

Topics: Professional Development Grow Your Business
3 min read

Hire More Sales Associates to Expand Your Reach

By Troy Korsgaden on 4/12/22 10:00 AM

For the past few years, pundits have been predicting that bots, robo-advisors, and other technologies will lead to the demise of living, breathing financial professionals. That hasn’t happened yet, and, in my opinion, it never will. Yes, people can conduct much of their preliminary research online, and a few are willing to purchase basic coverage without ever speaking to a person. But most will want a financial professional to guide them through life’s twists and turns. Even those people who purchase coverage from a robo-advisor will seek the expertise of a financial professional as their needs become more complex. 

Topics: Running Your Practice Professional Development Grow Your Business
5 min read

4 Strategies Financial Advisors Use to Build Trust

By Luke Acree, President of ReminderMedia on 12/27/21 9:30 AM

Consider just how much trust someone needs to have in their financial advisor to give them continuous access to, and nearly complete control of, their life’s savings, their retirement income, and their future security and dreams. That degree of trust ranks right up there with entrusting your life to a surgeon, your children’s wellbeing to a nanny, and your heart to your spouse.

Trust like that isn’t simply granted to a financial advisor because of a single phone call.

Topics: Referrals Professional Development Prospecting Grow Your Business
6 min read

Top 10 Ways Financial Advisors Can Earn Referrals in 2022

By Luke Acree, President of ReminderMedia on 12/10/21 9:30 AM

For financial advisors, referrals are—and will probably always be—the primary method of generating new business. It seems like every business blogger out there has the best, top, greatest, or most unique ideas for generating referrals. Personally, my favorite book title proclaiming its best ways to get referrals is this one: Endless Referrals, Third Edition.

I guess the previous editions didn’t result in endless referrals as promised.

To capitalize on the referral market, there are only two aspects of your business that are worth focusing on: delivering an exceptional client experience and continuously developing relationships with clients and spheres of influence.

Topics: Referrals Professional Development Prospecting Grow Your Business
6 min read

Digital Is the Assistant We’ve Always Dreamed Of

By Troy Korsgaden on 11/11/21 7:10 AM

From the 1980s through the early 2000s, many advisors and brokers dreamed of having more help with critical yet time-consuming tasks like proof of insurance and minor claims processing. We mused, “If only I had help with those tasks, I could spend more time focusing on high-touch customer service and sales.”

Today, digital innovations are streamlining much of the way carriers and their representatives conduct and generate business. These innovations are precisely the help we wished for.

So why do many in our industry resist digital advances like customer self-service and apps?

Topics: Running Your Practice Professional Development Technology Tools Grow Your Business
1 min read

Ameritas' Andrew Rinn Scheduled to Present at the 2021 APC Impact Week

By David Lahoud on 10/8/21 1:00 PM

On October 19th, Andrew J. Rinn, JD, CFP, CLU, ChFC, Vice President of Advanced Marketing & Case and Competition at Ameritas (and loyal NAIFA member since 2018),  will be presenting  Life Insurance in Qualified Plans - Bridging the Retirement Planning Gap with actuary Scott McHenry. During this presentation, they will cover various topics such as how to identify potential clients and concerns, different approaches, and more.

Topics: Professional Development Advanced Planning Members
