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Bill Hortz

Recent posts by Bill Hortz

6 min read

Digital Vaults Evolution into a Must-Have Advisor Technology

By Bill Hortz on 9/10/24 2:27 PM

[Digital Vaults continue to rapidly evolve from a “nice-to-have” virtual equivalent of a safety deposit box for critical advisor and client-facing documents into a “must-have” technology to power a more engaging and competitive advisor and enterprise-wide service model. Such is the nature of technology that requires the ongoing development of robust applications which are driving advisor and wealth management tools and capabilities, ultimately changing the face of the industry for the better.

Digital Vaults are a good example to explore as to how they have developed from simple storage and basic functionality to enterprise solutions built for compliance and operations efficiency, and now, with the advancements of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Model (LLM) technology, to quickly summarize documents, extract critical information, provide contextualized action items, offer actionable insights and analytics, and much more. This evolution is materializing into a more comprehensive servicing and enterprise engagement strategy that can transform financial institutions and wealth management firms into delivering modern, high-touch wealth and advisory relationships by providing better insights, deeper engagement, and more value across all stakeholders and family members in the client relationship.

To better explore this advisor technology evolution and AI-powered Digital Vaults, we reached out to Institute members Daniel Kenny, Chief Executive Officer, and Kristian Borghesan, Chief Marketing Officer, of FutureVaulta category and industry leader of Digital Vaults and pioneer of the Client Life Management Vault™. Having developed their Digital Vault technology platform into a best-of-breed solution for the wealth management industry, we asked questions to better understand how they developed their Digital Vault technology and where they see this technology going to power deeper advisor–client relationships and enable better holistic family financial outcomes.]

Hortz: Can you share with us your experiences in how Digital Vaults have been evolving in their development and benefits for the financial services industry? How did they go from a “nice-to-have” to a “must-have” in the industry?

Borghesan: There are quite a number of factors and reasons that have contributed to the evolution of Digital Vaults, namely Digital Vaults-as-a-Service like FutureVault, moving from a “nice-to-have” into an absolute must-have component and critical piece of the everyday technology stack.

Topics: Technology Tools Business Performance Center FinTech
