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Brad Swineheart

Recent posts by Brad Swineheart

4 min read

7 Growth Hacks to Grow Your Practice in Two Years

By Brad Swineheart on 1/14/22 8:00 AM

If you are a financial advisor trying to grow your practice, Dean Thurman, Senior Partner of InvestWise Financial and Co-Founder of White Glove, has a few growth hacks for you.

While many advisors were down in revenue during 2020, Dean’s office showed a 5% increase.  So far in 2021, Dean’s office is showing 53% revenue growth.

Dean attributes much of his success to these 7 growth hacks that his office has put into place over the last few years.

Topics: Marketing Grow Your Business Potential Partners for Advisors
3 min read

5 Easy Ways to Stay Top of Mind

By Brad Swineheart on 12/31/21 10:30 AM

Are you leaving money on the table?

If you aren’t nurturing and engaging with your leads and clients, the answer is yes. According to Invesp, “Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost.”

Lead generation is only the first step in a well-rounded, efficient marketing plan. To maximize your lead generating efforts, you need to interact with those leads and connect with your clients. If you don’t keep in touch with them, they’re likely to forget about you, and that leaves the door wide open for your competition to creep in. 

Topics: Marketing Grow Your Business Potential Partners for Advisors
