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William Hortz

Recent posts by William Hortz

5 min read

Book Review: Review: How Not to Pull Your Life Apart Caregiving by Carroll Golden

By William Hortz on 8/22/24 6:40 PM

“ You only have two choices when it comes to caregiving: plan or panic…The lack of a plan can tear a caregiver’s life apart…This book will help families overcome objections that relegate extended care planning to stressful crisis planning.”– p.3

As a leading expert and evangelist on the topic of Caregiving in the U.S. and the potentially devastating ramifications on a family’s finances and emotional cohesiveness, Carroll Golden’s latest book,How Not To Pull Your Life Apart Caregiving: Overcome Challenges and Objections to Planning Conversationsis an essential resource for every family to plan for an inevitable part of life.

Carroll Goldenspeaker,best-selling author,and Executive Director, NAIFA Centers of Excellence, including theLimited & Extended Care Planning Center, reveals in her book how it is painfully clear that many families and their financial advisors are unfamiliar with the evolving needs or personal dynamics involved in extended or long-term care until it is too late. Few participants involved in this highly charged process have the knowledge or experience to create an organized approach.

10 min read

Innovating Smarter Employer Group Health Plans

By William Hortz on 7/29/24 3:22 PM

Challenging an entrenched industry business model, like the employer group health insurance market, is a massive but doable endeavor that is being driven by smaller but dynamic industry players. As large incumbent healthcare firms have little motivation to change when profits are at an all-time highs and business owners do not know of any other options, why break the mold? However entrepreneurial industry players have been emerging knowing there is a better way to create needed change. These innovators realize that business models and product innovation require the clarity of open-aperture vision, deep meaningful conversations with customers, a willingness to thoroughly rethink everything about the product and the marketplace, and, most importantly, a decisive and purposeful mindset to become a catalyst of change.
