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1 min read

Grow Your Business by Maximizing Your Data

By NAIFA on 10/10/22 9:29 AM

New Business Performance Center partner, AccuPoint Solutions, will host a data-driven webinar on Thursday, October 13 at 12 pm eastern. Join Founder & CEO of AccuPoint, Gary Weber, for "Data Diving: Understand and Maximizing Your Most Important Asset." Gary will help you how to best understand the complexity of the data you may have – or may want to purchase – for your sales, marketing, recruiting, and data analytics efforts.

Topics: Grow Your Business Business Performance Center Insurance
8 min read

How a Reverse Mortgage Loan Can Enhance a Sound Retirement Strategy

By Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. on 5/27/22 1:30 PM

These days, people are living longer which, of course, is a good thing. But it also means retirees’ savings must stretch further to last throughout retirement. Throw in the recent surge in inflation, rising long-term care costs, and the unfortunate reality that many retirees are not financially prepared for retirement, and we have the makings of a retirement crisis ahead. 

On the bright side for older-adult homeowners, housing wealth has been on the rise. According to the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association (NRMLA), U.S. homeowners aged 62+ saw their home equity soar to a record $10 trillion in 2021. It can be prudent for homeowners and their advisors to discuss ways to incorporate housing wealth into retirement planning decisions. 

Topics: Retirement Planning Financial Planning Planning in Advance Reverse Mortgages Potential Partners for Advisors Insurance
3 min read

Workplace Life, DI, and Supplemental Health Sales Increased in 2021

By LIMRA on 4/6/22 2:47 PM

Increased demand for insurance products driven by raised awareness due to COVID-19 and a tight labor market.

New annualized premium for workplace life insurance, disability insurance and supplemental health products rose in 2021, according to LIMRA’s workplace benefits sales surveys.

“The year ended strong for workplace benefits sales, particularly life insurance, which recorded double-digit growth in the fourth quarter and the year,” said Patrick Leary, corporate vice president and director of LIMRA’s workplace benefits research program. “Insurance benefits remain a high priority for employees. New LIMRA research shows more than a quarter of workers list non-medical insurance benefits as one of the top five factors they consider when evaluating potential employers. As a result, employers have focused on benefits as a critical element of their recruiting and retention strategies. This played out with strong benefit sales in 2021.”

Topics: Disability Insurance Life Insurance & Annuities Disability Income Insurance Benefits Group & Employee Benefits Press Release Insurance
