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Daniel C. Finley

Daniel C. Finley is president and co-founder of Advisor Solutions, the consulting and coaching service dedicated to helping advisors build better businesses. Contact him at 715-262-2040 or at Advisor Solutions Inc.

Recent posts by Daniel C. Finley

4 min read

Building Your Business in a Bear Market

By Daniel C. Finley on 12/15/22 10:00 AM

If you are in the financial services industry your business is tethered to the market. When the market is up so is your business but when the market is down, so is your business. It’s inevitable especially if you have a fee-based business. When the market and your assets under management drop it also means your gross commissions drop.

When this happens, do your business-building activities necessarily need to follow suit? The answer is “no”. However, many advisors stop prospecting because they don’t have a good strategy for continuing to do that task during a Bear Market.

If you are viewing a Bear Market as an obstacle rather than an opportunity you certainly won’t reach the next level.

Topics: Prospecting Grow Your Business Business Performance Center Insurance
3 min read

Are You Coachable?

By Daniel C. Finley on 12/7/22 10:00 AM

Are you on a production plateau? Many advisors and agents are. In fact, at some point, every financial advisor, insurance agent, wholesaler, branch manager, and even agency manager hits a production plateau. I know because I’ve coached them all through one.

So, what do you do? The real question is if you had all the tips, tools, techniques, strategies, and solutions…would you apply them? In other words, are you coachable?

Topics: Grow Your Business Business Performance Center Insurance
3 min read

The Top 5 Myths of Prospecting Procrastination

By Daniel C. Finley on 11/16/22 12:28 PM

Let’s face it, it’s easy to procrastinate from time to time. The problem is when procrastination goes from an occasional occurrence to a daily avoidance that the real challenges set in. With a task such as prospecting for example, if your business is on a production plateau chances are you bought into a narrative that you will come off of the plateau without intervention, and that your pipeline will trend upwards again soon.

Does this sound familiar? Let’s look at this subject from a different perspective. Everything that you may have been telling yourself about procrastination may simply be a myth.

Topics: Prospecting Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
3 min read

Leveraging the Power of LinkedIn

By Daniel C. Finley on 10/19/22 3:41 PM

Have you jumped onto the social media bandwagon in recent years when it comes to marketing your business or are you still stuck in the 90s cold calling? I have been in the financial services industry for almost three decades, and I was reluctant to add one more thing to my prospecting plate such as social media. That is until I learned how to leverage the power of LinkedIn!

Topics: Grow Your Business Social Media Business Performance Center LinkedIn
