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1 min read

Webinar: If a DOL Wage & Hour Investigator Came Calling, Would You Be Prepared?

By Beth Helberg on 8/19/21 8:00 AM

How confident are you in your employee classifications and the process you use to categorize them? Do you really understand the differences between exempt vs. non-exempt classifications when it comes to your white-collar employees?

Topics: Compliance Small Business Webinar Potential Partners for Advisors
1 min read

Webinar On Demand: How To Advise Your Clients to the Zero Tax Bracket

By Beth Helberg on 8/12/21 5:04 PM

This month, Fairway Mortgage and the Business Performance Center presented the webinar “How to Advise Your Clients to Get to the Zero Tax Bracket.” 

Topics: Tax Savings Webinar Potential Partners for Advisors
5 min read

8 must-ask questions when shopping for a PEO

By Insperity on 7/9/21 10:30 AM

Are you uncertain about how to find the most suitable professional employer organization (PEO) for your company?

Have you explored all your options? After all, not all PEOs are the same.

Deciding which one offers the best service, the greatest value, and the type of expertise that your organization needs isn’t always so simple.

Topics: Benefits Small Business Business Performance Center Potential Partners for Advisors
3 min read

OneAmerica Partners with NAIFA to Support Advocacy and Educational Initiatives

By NAIFA on 6/10/21 5:21 PM

NAIFA and OneAmerica® have completed an agreement on the Educational Partner Program, under which OneAmerica will provide educational content and thought leadership for NAIFA’s Advisor Today platform as well as its Centers for Excellence: The Business Performance Center, Limited and Extended Care Planning Center, and Talent Development Center. OneAmerica sponsored and participated within NAIFA’s 2021 Virtual Congressional Conference held May 25-26th that drew more than 1,350 advisors, and will be a key sponsor for the upcoming Performance+Purpose conference to be held virtually August 17-19, 2021. 

Topics: Talent Development Center Business Performance Center Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
2 min read

NAIFA and ReminderMedia Announce Marketing Partnership

By NAIFA on 6/8/21 2:30 PM

NAIFA and ReminderMedia have completed a marketing partnership agreement to promote professional cooperation between the two organizations. Under the partnership, ReminderMedia is a founding member of the Business Performance Center. NAIFA and ReminderMedia will work together to give broader access for financial professionals and consumers in areas where the organizations’ interests overlap.

Topics: Business Performance Center
4 min read

FinTech: Not All That Glitters Is Gold

By Brian Haney, CLTC, CFS, CIS, CFSB, LACP, CAE on 5/13/21 10:21 AM

I’ve given dozens of talks on the need for financial professionals to navigate the digital landscape effectively, and invariably the conversations veer into the arena of “what’s the newest, best tech to help me grow?” As a self-avowed tech junky, I am always obliged to engage in this conversation, because it’s a lot of fun to talk technology.

Topics: Practice Management FinTech
4 min read

Not All that Glitters is Gold: Cool Tech Doesn't Make You a Better Professional, the Right Tech Does

By Brian Haney, CLTC, CFS, CIS, CFSB, LACP, CAE on 5/6/21 1:07 PM

I’ve given dozens of talks on the need for financial professionals to navigate the digital landscape effectively, and invariably the conversations veer into the arena of “what’s the newest, best tech to help me grow?” As a self-avowed tech junky, I am always obliged to engage in this conversation, because it’s a lot of fun to talk technology. However, what most people don’t realize is that I do so significant hesitancy because, I am acutely aware of one thing that, as an outside-the-box thinker with ADD, I have to fight my inner tendency to want newer, cooler, better. I admit it - I like blowing the whole thing up and finding a better way of doing it! If you’re at all like me, suppressing that tendency can be challenging, especially since there seem to be new awesome apps, platforms, and digital tools popping up every single day.

7 min read

Don't Be That Person. A Requiem to Bad LinkedIn Solicitations

By Brian Haney, CLTC, CFS, CIS, CFSB, LACP, CAE on 4/19/21 8:45 AM

Practicing good social media etiquette is critical in the digital economy

Raise your hand if you like getting solicited from random strangers. Strange, I don’t see anyone’s hand raised.

3 min read

Step Up Your Game and Get Through the Door:  Selling Qualified Retirement Plans to the Healthcare Industry

By SMA Services, Inc. on 4/15/21 3:06 PM

If you’re looking to expand your presence in the healthcare sector, you’re probably trying to figure out how to sit down with the physicians whose names are on the doors you’re knocking on. But unless you have an existing relationship with one of those physicians — or a personal contact who can help you start one — you may be knocking on the wrong doors.

Topics: Business Performance Center Retirement Plans
1 min read

Use Facebook to Add to Your Growing Client Base

By Mark Briscoe on 2/26/21 10:44 AM

Social media offers many ways that you can add to your growing client base, particularly Facebook. The difference between this platform and many others is that the groups feature allows you to find and interact with potential clients on a more personal level. This feature also gives you the opportunity to find prospective clients in special interest groups. Finally, Facebook gives you the added touch of searching for new clients within your geographic location. All of these features give you more leads on a regular basis if you learn how to use them well. 

Start Your Own Facebook Group

If you haven't already, get your own Facebook group up and running. It's as easy as clicking the "create group" button and filling out a few details. Make sure that you're clear about the services you're providing, your location, business hours, and mission statement. Use a clear and professional photo for your profile and a cover photo that makes your business details clear. This way, when you're prospecting for clients elsewhere, people will have a place to connect with you that shows them who you are and what services you offer. 

Topics: Social Media Marketing Business Performance Center
