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Unlock the income potential of being an insurance broker partner with Insperity. 

At 9 am eastern on September 14, Insperity will present the first webinar in the monthly series Caffeinate Your Revenue with the Insperity Program highlighting the Insperity NAIFA broker partner program. 

When you qualify for the Broker Program, you get paid for every referral who purchases an Insperity solution.

This webinar will give an overview of client benefits and how signing into Insperity's Broker Program can create new top-line growth for your agency/firm. When you qualify for the Broker Program, you get paid for every referral who purchases an Insperity solution. Future webinars will highlight the specific Insperity services you can offer your clients with the Broker Program.

Insperity provides the tools to help businesses lighten their administrative load, maximize productivity and manage risks. When you connect your clients with Insperity, you help them by solving their benefits needs and addressing their payroll and HR needs. 

Tuesday, September 14th, 9 am eastern


Insperity is an Educational Partner to NAIFA as well as a supporter of NAIFA's Business Performance Center.  For members, you can learn more about Insperity and how to partner within the Member Portal.  
