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2 min read

Preparing Now for the Challenges Ahead: Guiding Clients Through Tax & Estate Planning in 2023 & 2024

By NAIFA on 8/16/23 1:17 PM

This Webinar is brought to you exclusively by NAIFA and the Society of FSP.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 has provisions set to expire by 2025. Equip yourself with knowledge, leverage evolving planning opportunities, and guide your clients confidently through impending shifts in the tax landscape.

Topics: Retirement Planning Financial Planning Legacy Planning Tools Taxes
1 min read

Are You Doing Enough to Protect Your Business?

By NAIFA on 5/18/23 2:15 PM

Errors & Omissions (E&O) insurance can be an essential part of every business' risk management plan. On Thursday, June 1 at 2 pm eastern, Ross Jordan, CPCU, of NAIFA partner CalSurance Associates will outline the current E&O landscape for financial professionals and give you loss prevention tips to help you protect your practice.

In this Business Performance Center webinar, explore recent E&O claim trends, learn what other agents are doing to protect their businesses, and what kind of coverages you should be reviewing for your practice's E&O insurance.

Topics: Financial Planning Grow Your Business Protect Your Business Business Performance Center Insurance NAIFA Partner
1 min read

Improve Your Clients' Financial Health in 15 Minutes or Less

By NAIFA on 5/9/23 10:30 AM

At this Business Performance Center webinar, Alison Susko and Mike Hemmert of NAIFA partner Asset-Map will show you how in 15 minutes or less, you can gather and place the most critical information about your clients' financials into one, easy-to-use and easy-to-share picture.

Mark your calendars and register now for "Scaling Advice: How to Make the Financial Planning Process More Efficient," taking place on Thursday, May 18 at 12 pm eastern.

Topics: Financial Planning Grow Your Business Business Performance Center Insurance NAIFA Partner
1 min read

The Top 3 Financial Products to Weather This Financial Storm

By NAIFA on 11/16/22 1:30 PM

Join NAIFA's Business Performance Center for a webinar on Tuesday, November 29 at 1 pm eastern. Sit down for a discussion with Harlan Accola of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, and Caleb Guilliams, Founder of BetterWealth, to learn about the three products your clients must have to survive this intense financial storm. 

Topics: Financial Planning Grow Your Business Business Performance Center Insurance
8 min read

How a Reverse Mortgage Loan Can Enhance a Sound Retirement Strategy

By Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. on 5/27/22 1:30 PM

These days, people are living longer which, of course, is a good thing. But it also means retirees’ savings must stretch further to last throughout retirement. Throw in the recent surge in inflation, rising long-term care costs, and the unfortunate reality that many retirees are not financially prepared for retirement, and we have the makings of a retirement crisis ahead. 

On the bright side for older-adult homeowners, housing wealth has been on the rise. According to the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association (NRMLA), U.S. homeowners aged 62+ saw their home equity soar to a record $10 trillion in 2021. It can be prudent for homeowners and their advisors to discuss ways to incorporate housing wealth into retirement planning decisions. 

Topics: Retirement Planning Financial Planning Planning in Advance Reverse Mortgages Potential Partners for Advisors Insurance
8 min read

Advantages of Reverse Mortgage Loans over HELOC and Home Equity Loans

By Ronan Friend on 3/17/22 11:43 AM

For your clients who are homeowners aged 62+, a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM, commonly called a reverse mortgage) loan offers some distinct advantages over other types of home-equity-release loans.

According to a survey conducted by Clever,* about half (51 percent) of retirees believe they will outlive their savings. Perhaps even more worrisome, the study also found that 65 percent of retirees say they are not financially secure. They may be facing any number of financial challenges, including how to best pay for long-term care or combat recent jumps in the prices of food, gas, and just about everything else.

As a financial professional, you want to give your clients the best chance at financial success. For most homeowners aged 62 and older, home equity represents the largest portion of their overall net wealth, usually dwarfing their other assets (e.g., retirement savings). While home equity is good, unless the home is sold or the equity is tapped, it is of essentially no functional value to a homeowner in retirement because it is generally very illiquid.

Topics: Financial Planning Reverse Mortgages Grow Your Business Financial Literacy Potential Partners for Advisors
2 min read

The Benefits of Investing Education for Individuals

By Ted Mekonnen on 12/15/21 10:00 AM

While the stock market tends to dominate news cycles surrounding any current large-scale event, too many average Americans are uneducated when it comes to investing. When many people see reports of record market highs and losses, massive government bailouts, and changing legislation regarding interest rates and taxes, they do not have the educational background or investing experience to translate these headlines into meaningful analyses and applications for their daily lives. Investing education is critical for all Americans, particularly in times of economic turmoil. Consider these benefits of investing education when making financial decisions with your clients.

Topics: Financial Planning Grow Your Business Potential Partners for Advisors
1 min read

Watch 'Exploring Money Mountaineering' Webinar On-Demand

By NAIFA on 11/18/21 3:52 PM

Exploring Money Mountaineering with Harlan Accola, National Reverse Mortgage Director at Fairway, and Peter Neuwirth, Senior Consulting Actuary at CapAcuity, is now available on demand!

The webinar explains Neuwirth's six foundational principles of Holistic Financial Wellness, teaching how to create a framework to make sound financial decisions and how to prepare psychologically for a changing landscape.

Watch On-Demand

Topics: Financial Planning Webinar Financial Wellness Financial Literacy Business Performance Center
1 min read

Exploring Money Mountaineering With Harlan Accola and Peter Neuwirth

By NAIFA on 10/22/21 8:00 AM

On November 12, author and Senior Consulting Actuary Peter Neuwirth, FSA, will join Harlan Accola, CRMP, CSA, (loyal NAIFA since 2015) National Reverse Mortgage Director of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, to present "Exploring Money Mountaineering."

This webinar will focus on Neuwirth's six foundational principles of Holistic Financial Wellness. Neuwirth and Accola will discuss how the lessons learned from the Covid-19 crisis can help us prepare, psychologically and financially, for the uncertainty of the future.

The event will take place on Friday, November 12, at 2 pm eastern.


Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation is an Educational Partner to NAIFA.  For members, you can learn more about Fairway and how to partner within the Member Portal.  

Topics: Financial Planning Financial Wellness Financial Literacy Business Performance Center
