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1 min read

Use Facebook to Add to Your Growing Client Base

By Mark Briscoe on 2/26/21 10:44 AM

Social media offers many ways that you can add to your growing client base, particularly Facebook. The difference between this platform and many others is that the groups feature allows you to find and interact with potential clients on a more personal level. This feature also gives you the opportunity to find prospective clients in special interest groups. Finally, Facebook gives you the added touch of searching for new clients within your geographic location. All of these features give you more leads on a regular basis if you learn how to use them well. 

Start Your Own Facebook Group

If you haven't already, get your own Facebook group up and running. It's as easy as clicking the "create group" button and filling out a few details. Make sure that you're clear about the services you're providing, your location, business hours, and mission statement. Use a clear and professional photo for your profile and a cover photo that makes your business details clear. This way, when you're prospecting for clients elsewhere, people will have a place to connect with you that shows them who you are and what services you offer. 

Topics: Social Media Marketing Business Performance Center
2 min read

How to Start, Grow, and Optimize Your Business Instagram Profile

By Emily Cabbage on 2/26/21 10:37 AM

You may be wondering, "How do I make a strong impression with my business Instagram profile?" Or, 'How can I add branding personality to my Instagram business page?" Well, read on and find out these and much more. Instagram started as a simple picture-sharing app between friends. However, it quickly evolved into the go-to social media platform for eye-catching content. With millions of users and a higher engagement rate when compared to Facebook, your business can't afford to be left out of this marketing phenomenon. 

Topics: Social Media Marketing Business Performance Center
2 min read

How To Prospect Using Instagram

By Emily Cabbage on 2/26/21 10:30 AM

Instagram can be a highly profitable marketing tool for those in the financial services industry. There are many ways that financial advisors and insurance agents can recruit prospective clients through Instagram. The following are some of the most effective ways that those in the financial services industry can prospect using Instagram; 

Create Catchy Content with Beautiful Pictures 

If you are looking to recruit prospective clients through Instagram, you should create well-curated content that aligns with your financial services. Instagram is a platform where people enjoy seeing beautiful images on daily basis. Thus, instead of simply writing a post about your financial services, showcase them through beautiful photos. The shared photos should highlight the unique features of your services and why customers should look forward to them.  

Topics: Social Media Marketing Business Performance Center
2 min read

Prospecting Using Youtube

By Mark Briscoe on 2/26/21 9:44 AM

YouTube has become an indispensable tool since its introduction in 20005. Many businesses have adopted this tool for both advertising and marketing their products to achieve business objectives. If you are still in doubt whether your financial service company, it is worth noting the following.

Topics: Marketing Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
3 min read

How Financial Advisors and Institutions Can Recruit Clients Using Snapchat

By Kathryn Blum on 2/26/21 9:34 AM

There are so many platforms that you can venture in to promote your financial institution and grow your client base. However, it isn't easy to know which one of them will yield benefits. 

Most people market through LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, but very few of them pay attention to Snapchat; even though its projected user base in the U.S. alone has reached 70 million.

Topics: Marketing Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business Social Media Business Performance Center
2 min read

How Financial Advisors Can Recruit Prospective Clients Via LinkedIn

By NAIFA on 2/22/21 1:00 PM

It has become the new norm nowadays to be directed to an official social media page once you visit most business websites. Why is this so? There are 3.2 billion active internet users worldwide. This figure translates to roughly 45% of the world population. This figure is an honest answer to why businesses are now engaging prospective customers on their social media platforms.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business LinkedIn
2 min read

NAIFA’s Business Performance Center Impact Week Is Coming March 23-25

By NAIFA on 2/17/21 11:10 AM

NAIFA has announced that its Business Performance Center Impact Week will offer an amazing slate of virtual programing led by industry experts, March 23-25. Presentations will be high-impact and provide valuable takeaways focused on practice management, growing your business, and reaching new markets.

Topics: Press Release Business Performance Center
2 min read

Top 5 Tips for Successful Prospecting - LinkedIn

By NAIFA on 1/13/21 1:01 PM

Focusing on the right people and companies will make the difference in prospecting smarter, not harder. LinkedIn is an influential platform with senior-level influencers and top company decision-makers. If you use it well, you can grow your list of prospects.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Prospecting Business Performance Center
1 min read

How Can You Optimize Webinars to Convert More Leads?

By NAIFA on 1/13/21 12:57 PM

As we tread into the digital age, it's crucial to make sure that your insurance firm or financial services agency is keeping abreast with the best practices to drive and convert new prospects. Webinars offer a great platform to provide interactive content to prospective customers and get feedback in real-time. You can consider adopting the following strategies to ensure that your webinars covert as many leads as possible into the business:

Topics: Prospecting Business Performance Center
2 min read

Harnessing the Power of Webinar During Prospecting

By NAIFA on 1/13/21 12:38 PM

The webinar presents an ideal platform for any type of business, including insurance to land leads, nurture them, and consequently convert them into customers. For any successful financial services firm, it offers the perfect avenue to provide thought leadership, present appealing content to attract qualified leads, and land them accordingly. You can harness the power of this platform in the following ways:

Topics: Prospecting Business Performance Center
