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3 min read

Mastering the LinkedIn Algorithm in 2023

By White Glove on 3/27/23 10:28 AM

LinkedIn is one of the largest social media platforms, with approximately 875 million users and over 30 million businesses worldwide. It’s a powerful tool for networking, job searching, offering business insights, and building your personal brand. 

However, to truly make the most of the platform, it’s essential to understand how the LinkedIn algorithm works, which can take a lot of time and patience. This blog explains key takeaways from the algorithm and how to maximize your visibility and impact on the platform. 

Topics: Marketing Sales & Marketing Social Media Marketing Social Media Business Performance Center NAIFA Partner
4 min read

Social Media Mistakes to Avoid for Your Business

By NAIFA on 1/9/23 3:16 PM

Social media marketing can be a huge boost to your business, and you often hear about the best strategies and practices to implement. However, when crafting the perfect social media plan, you also need to think about mistakes to steer clear of to ensure your campaign is a success.

In this article, we will cover some of the top errors businesses by social media platforms and how to avoid them!

Topics: Marketing Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
2 min read

Digital Marketing & AI Technology to Drive Life Insurance & Annuity Sales in 2023

By Ken Leibow on 1/5/23 12:10 PM

Digital Marketing had the biggest growth for generating insurance sales since 2021. In a recent global study conducted by Accenture, most insurance buyers now search for information on digital channels. 48% of insurance customers who responded to an Accenture survey stated that social media would factor into their insurance-buying decision. Introducing agents and training to effectively utilize email, social media, web-based advertising, text messages, and personalized videos which helps maximize their value delivery.

Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the technology driving the industry to new insurance sales as it does with other industries in e-commerce. Winning agencies will become more data-driven and introduce agents to tools that utilize data analytics and AI to grow their businesses. Whether finding patterns based on past data to predict future events or leveraging AI to make assumptions and predictions beyond human capabilities, successful agents and agencies will take advantage of these new technology tools.

Topics: Life Insurance & Annuities Marketing Sales & Marketing Social Media Marketing Advisor Today FinTech Insurance

4 Tips to Gain Followers Without Spending a Dime

By NAIFA on 9/20/22 10:00 AM

Social media is an integral part of marketing your business. While spending money on targeted ads may seem like an easy and effective way to build your followers, building your brand organically can benefit you in the long term—and save you money on advertising.

Topics: Marketing Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business

13 Social Media Calendars, Tools, & Templates to Plan Your Content

By NAIFA on 9/13/22 10:00 AM

Social media plays an essential role in your business marketing strategy. With so many social networks available, it’s important to keep track of what you're posting and when.

Topics: Marketing Social Media Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
2 min read

5 Tips to Establishing Your Brand With YouTube

By NAIFA on 9/6/22 10:00 AM

YouTube can be a powerful tool for building your brand. You can connect with potential customers and gain a loyal following by posting engaging videos. Read on to learn 5 tips for creating compelling YouTube content.

Topics: Marketing Social Media Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business
2 min read

How to Reach Underserved Markets

By NAIFA on 8/30/22 10:00 AM

When it comes to insurance and financial services, some market demographics are often underserved. Women, racial and ethnic minorities, millennials, and LGBTQ+ Americans are often left out of the conversation. This is due, in part, to insurance and financial professionals viewing these demographics as less lucrative.

However, underserved and historically marginalized communities represent a huge opportunity for insurance and financial services professionals. By reaching out to them, you can grow your business and positively impact the lives of underserved populations.

So, how can you reach underserved markets? Read on to find out.

Topics: Diverse Markets Marketing Social Media Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business
2 min read

Using Marketing Automation to Grow and Optimize Your Business

By NAIFA on 5/17/22 10:00 AM

As a results-driven business owner, you know your time is valuable. You want to spend it on adding value to your business. That's why you need an effective marketing automation strategy in place. Marketing automation can take care of the repetitive tasks so you can focus your efforts on the most important aspects of your job.

The best part is that you don't have to be technical or computer savvy to benefit from marketing automation. There are many tools available for free and affordable options that allow you to create great-looking landing pages, build email campaigns, track conversions, send emails, and much more.

Topics: Marketing Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business Protect Your Business
3 min read

3 Ways to Leverage Twitter to Find New Clients

By NAIFA on 3/9/22 10:00 AM

Twitter is one of the most widely used social media platforms in the world, with an advertising audience of 353 million users on the platform. For professionals in the insurance and financial services industry, Twitter presents an opportunity to network and use the social network as a place for finding prospective clients. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind if you want to be successful at using Twitter for finding prospective customers.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business
2 min read

The Perfect LinkedIn Profile is Within Reach

By NAIFA on 2/9/22 7:00 AM

A LinkedIn profile is a critical tool in today's world if you want to grow your business and client base. It can add immense value to your professional and personal brand. Conversely, the absence of a social media profile means lost opportunities. 

Follow LinkedIn's Lead

The LinkedIn website will lead you through the process of building your profile. Have an updated resume handy as you begin the process. Take a look at profiles of others in your industry. Make sure to use a professional headshot; it can make or break your profile. While it may be tempting to use a decades younger picture−don't. Your picture should reflect your professional, approachable, trustworthy self. It's worth spending some money to be sure you have the right picture, and don't be afraid to smile.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business
