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LinkedIn is one of the largest social media platforms, with approximately 875 million users and over 30 million businesses worldwide. It’s a powerful tool for networking, job searching, offering business insights, and building your personal brand. 

However, to truly make the most of the platform, it’s essential to understand how the LinkedIn algorithm works, which can take a lot of time and patience. This blog explains key takeaways from the algorithm and how to maximize your visibility and impact on the platform. 

What is the LinkedIn Algorithm? 

The LinkedIn algorithm is a formula that determines who sees what posts on the platform. It’s designed to process billions of posts per day — all to make the content on your newsfeed as relevant and interesting as possible to increase engagement and time spent on the channel. 

How LinkedIn Determines Where Your Post Belongs

One of the most important factors that the LinkedIn algorithm considers is engagement. When a post receives a lot of likes, comments, and shares, the algorithm will recognize the post as high-quality content — giving your content more visibility. If you aren’t following best practices for content and can’t make your posts engaging, the algorithm will consider your posts either low-quality or spam. This means LinkedIn will not push out your content for others to see, and you will unlikely see the engagement you were hoping for. 

Choosing the Right Time to Post 

In addition to creating high-quality content, it’s also important to be strategic about when and how you share it. The algorithm takes into account the time of day and day of the week when you post, so it’s best to post when your audience is most active. Also, if you want your content to be seen by more people, make sure to post during the peak hours when most people are online. Here are recommended posting times from Sprout Social: 

  • Best times to post: Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to noon

  • Best days to post: Wednesdays and Thursdays 

  • Worst days to post: Saturdays and Sundays

Consider the Type of Content You’re Sharing 

Another important factor that the algorithm takes into account is the type of content you’re sharing. LinkedIn prioritizes long-form content, such as articles and videos, over shorter updates and images. In fact, videos get five times the engagement, and images get twice as many comments as text posts. Keep in mind that you also need to be relevant and know your audience. Posting relevant content to your audience, such as industry news, job opportunities, and professional development resources, will likely get you more engagement. 

Build Strong Connections on the Platform

Finally, one of the most critical aspects of the LinkedIn algorithm is your engagement with other users and the connections you make within the platform. LinkedIn prioritizes content from people in your network. It will give it more visibility than content from people you’re not connected to, which is why building and maintaining strong connections on the platform is essential. 

The algorithm also prioritizes users who are actively engaging with content and other users, such as commenting, sharing, and liking. We like to say that comments are the king of engagement. If you want to maximize your reach, you need to react/respond to every comment on your posts. 

In conclusion, LinkedIn is an excellent resource that has aided thousands of users. Understanding the LinkedIn algorithm is crucial for maximizing your visibility and impact on the platform. Use these tips to your advantage, and you just might increase your chances of reaching a larger audience and achieving your professional goals on LinkedIn. 

This article comes from NAIFA marketing partner, White Glove. To read the original article, visit their website. Members can learn more about how White Glove can help their business in the Member Portal.


