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A LinkedIn profile is a critical tool in today's world if you want to grow your business and client base. It can add immense value to your professional and personal brand. Conversely, the absence of a social media profile means lost opportunities. 

Follow LinkedIn's Lead

The LinkedIn website will lead you through the process of building your profile. Have an updated resume handy as you begin the process. Take a look at profiles of others in your industry. Make sure to use a professional headshot; it can make or break your profile. While it may be tempting to use a decades younger picture−don't. Your picture should reflect your professional, approachable, trustworthy self. It's worth spending some money to be sure you have the right picture, and don't be afraid to smile.

The Most Important Sections

From there, you will fill in sections with a decent amount of information. You want it to look complete. The basic sections are:

  • Headline - Describe what you do in 120 or fewer characters. This description will appear after your name in search engine results. Typically, it includes your job title and skills. 
  • About - Here's your chance to let people know a little about you. What are your passions and successes? How will you serve your clients? What has shaped your character? What do you do for fun? 
  • Experience - This section should complement your resume, not duplicate it. Include experience from the last 10 to 15 years. Freelancing can also be included here.  
  • Skills - Max out the skills section because it will increase your odds of being contacted through your LinkedIn profile. Business and analytical skills are certainly essential skills to include in an effective profile in the financial services industry.
  • Education - Always list your highest level of education whether it's relevant to your current position or not. After that, include any education that is relevant to your current position or the position you are seeking. Include conferences, training and even vocational school. You'll even be able to add activities, clubs and organizations you participated in -- a fun blast from the past. 
  • Certifications - Be sure to add any certifications and professional licenses you've earned. You want your credentials to shine. 

Build and Strengthen Your Brand

If social media and SEO optimization really isn't your forte, there are professional writers and freelancers you can hire to produce a polished profile for you. The investment will be well worth the added value to your business and personal brand. LinkedIn is the first place people go these days to look for talent and expertise. Know your audience and their needs, and let your profile reflect that knowledge. 

LinkedIn has written about the increase in the number of financial professionals utilizing their site due to the huge opportunity for engagement, networking, and education.

Contact us if you are new to LinkedIn or want to explore the opportunities in social media. We can help you connect with fellow members who are successfully building their brands and legacies.
