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Mark Briscoe

Mark Briscoe

Mark Briscoe is NAIFA's Senior Director of Strategic Communications

Recent posts by Mark Briscoe

1 min read

Use Facebook to Add to Your Growing Client Base

By Mark Briscoe on 2/26/21 10:44 AM

Social media offers many ways that you can add to your growing client base, particularly Facebook. The difference between this platform and many others is that the groups feature allows you to find and interact with potential clients on a more personal level. This feature also gives you the opportunity to find prospective clients in special interest groups. Finally, Facebook gives you the added touch of searching for new clients within your geographic location. All of these features give you more leads on a regular basis if you learn how to use them well. 

Start Your Own Facebook Group

If you haven't already, get your own Facebook group up and running. It's as easy as clicking the "create group" button and filling out a few details. Make sure that you're clear about the services you're providing, your location, business hours, and mission statement. Use a clear and professional photo for your profile and a cover photo that makes your business details clear. This way, when you're prospecting for clients elsewhere, people will have a place to connect with you that shows them who you are and what services you offer. 

Topics: Social Media Marketing Business Performance Center
2 min read

Prospecting Using Youtube

By Mark Briscoe on 2/26/21 9:44 AM

YouTube has become an indispensable tool since its introduction in 20005. Many businesses have adopted this tool for both advertising and marketing their products to achieve business objectives. If you are still in doubt whether your financial service company, it is worth noting the following.

Topics: Marketing Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
