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You may be wondering, "How do I make a strong impression with my business Instagram profile?" Or, 'How can I add branding personality to my Instagram business page?" Well, read on and find out these and much more. Instagram started as a simple picture-sharing app between friends. However, it quickly evolved into the go-to social media platform for eye-catching content. With millions of users and a higher engagement rate when compared to Facebook, your business can't afford to be left out of this marketing phenomenon. 

Getting Started

Nonetheless, before you start posting photos left and right, you must first learn about the basics of building the perfect business Instagram profile. Whether you've been on Instagram for years or just testing the waters, here are a few tips and tricks that will undoubtedly boost your Instagram presence and boost your brand's awareness a notch higher. How can you make sure that you're using social media for the right reasons and giving your brand and business a leg up in the digital space?

Fine-Tuning Your Profile

The truth is, with a partially done profile, you won't do much on Instagram until you fill it out correctly. Whereas there's no "perfect" way to craft your profile, there are a few steps that can serve as a firm foundation based on experience:

  • Profile photo

The photo used on a business Instagram profile reflects what your brand stands for. Choose a company logo that is easy to recognize and remember. For bloggers, influencers, or entrepreneurs, use a picture of yourself that connects to you and what you do.

  • Username

Your username is what people used to find you. To increase searchability, use your real name or your brand's name. Make this your business name, identical to your brand's other social profiles. It's also advisable to use a keyword with your account name. If your business name is taken, try using different but relevant variations of the same name.

  • Website

Since Instagram only allows the use of one clickable URL, you can opt to use your latest promotional page or link directly to your website. Whatever you choose to link to, ensure tracking is possible.

  • Bio

Your bio should be very informative –describe what you do, hype your brand, etc. This section is where you make a lasting impression on your audience. Be sure to give it your all, and don't forget to include relevant pictures.  You can add details about your business such as email address, physical address, hours of operation, etc. Include target keywords and hashtags in the bio and make it easy to scan and understand. 

Key Takeaway

After you cover the above profile fundamentals, add some personality to your profile and make it stand out. You could add a favorite quote, emoji, break lines, or custom font to make it easy to scan.

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