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3 min read

Beyond the Production Plateau

By Daniel C. Finley on 5/29/24 10:50 AM

Are you on a production plateau? Most people are or will be at some point in their careers. In fact, your business can go only three ways: up, down, or settle on a production plateau. The big question is, do you know how to get beyond a production plateau?  

Getting to the next level rarely happens by accident. Sure, there is the occasional advisor or agent who stumbles across a big prospect or has clients who come into money. But, rarely do advisors and agents get to the next level without a well thought out system. The solution begins by understanding that success is a process.

Let’s examine each step:

4 min read

From Beyond The Logo to Building Your Brand

By Daniel C. Finley on 5/1/24 1:10 PM

I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” However, have you considered when that first impression is? Maybe it’s before you ever meet that person. And, if that’s the case, do you know if you have a good reputation or brand?

3 min read

Learning Your Leadership Style

By Daniel C. Finley on 2/29/24 3:53 PM

Have you ever wondered if great leaders are born or made? Anyone can be a great leader if they understand themselves, know what motivates others to want to follow them, and apply what they learn.

John C. Maxwell said it best, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

Do you know how to get your message across and have others want to follow you?

Let’s look at six leadership styles so you can better understand your style and how to motivate others better.

5 min read

Mastering Your Morning Rituals

By Daniel C. Finley on 1/29/24 1:32 PM

Do you have a well-thought-out strategy to start your day off right? Like many people, you might not. Instead, you probably have morning routines on autopilot, like making your bed and brushing your teeth. But, if you want to get the most out of your day, it is not the morning routines that will change your life, it’s mastering morning rituals!

Topics: Business Performance Center
6 min read

Mastering Your Morning Rituals

By Daniel C. Finley on 1/25/24 1:21 PM

Do you have a well-thought-out strategy to start your day off right? Like many people, you might not. Instead, you probably have morning routines on autopilot, like making your bed and brushing your teeth. But, if you want to get the most out of your day, it is not the morning routines that will change your life, it’s mastering morning rituals!


So, what’s the difference between morning routines and morning rituals?


One of the best definitions that I’ve seen is that the difference between a routine and a ritual is the intent behind the action. While routines can be repetitive, like making your bed or taking a shower, rituals are more meaningful practices that can create a real sense of purpose.


Tim Ferris, the author of the book, The 4 Hour Work Week, said it best, “If you win the morning, you win the day”.


And, I believe that it is true. But, how do you win the morning? It’s by having at least one or more of the following morning rituals consistently be a part of your day. Over the course of 20 years of coaching financial advisors and insurance agents, I’ve found a common thread among those who are successful; they all have at least one morning ritual.


Let’s look at five morning rituals that will change your business and your life:

Topics: Peak Performance Tips
4 min read

Creating an Effective C.O.I. Campaign

By Daniel C. Finley on 11/22/23 11:16 AM

All successful and experienced attorneys and accountants have referred clients to financial advisors at one time or another. They have done so because they realize that at some point, they have had clients who have needed financial advisory recommendations.

3 min read

Becoming a Professional Problem Solver

By Daniel C. Finley on 9/26/23 4:34 PM

Do prospects view you as a product pusher or a problem solver? It’s a tough question you may not want to know the answer to.

Topics: Sales Prospecting Business Performance Center
5 min read

Never Ask for Referrals Again

By Brian Haney, CLTC, CFS, CIS, CFSB, LACP, CAE on 9/7/23 9:30 AM

Every salesperson has wrestled with the age-old question, “What’s the best way to get referrals?” Depending on how you’ve been trained, you might have a few different ways to answer. Many say “ask” or “ask the right way" or “make sure you’re planting referral seeds along the way to make it easier for someone to provide them to you” but I beg to differ. I have always found that the best way to get referrals is to be referrable. To me, there is only one way to be referrable in our industry: by creating a superior client experience that fosters stark raving fans.

Topics: Marketing Referrals Grow Your Business
4 min read

Creating the Perfect Campaign

By Daniel C. Finley on 8/30/23 9:24 AM

Are you on a production plateau and you need a little nudge to get going? Most advisors are because they’ve never learned how to create the perfect campaign to grow their business; as a result, they leave their success up to chance.

Benjamin Franklin said it best when he said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

I believe that is true. The best way to plan is to design a campaign, an organized course of action to achieve your goal, and take the right steps to do so.

Topics: Sales Prospecting Grow Your Business Small Business Business Performance Center NAIFA Partner
1 min read

The Advisor Solutions Podcast: The Excellent Advisor

By NAIFA on 8/18/23 4:30 PM

The latest podcast from Advisor Solutions Founder and President Dan Finley explores ways financial advisors, insurance agents, wholesalers, branch managers, and agency manager can boost their performance to get to the next level of success. 

Topics: Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
