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3 min read

3 Ways to Leverage Twitter to Find New Clients

By NAIFA on 3/9/22 10:00 AM

Twitter is one of the most widely used social media platforms in the world, with an advertising audience of 353 million users on the platform. For professionals in the insurance and financial services industry, Twitter presents an opportunity to network and use the social network as a place for finding prospective clients. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind if you want to be successful at using Twitter for finding prospective customers.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business
1 min read

NAIFA YAT Leader of the Year Brian Haney Shares Five Keys to His Success

By NAIFA on 3/4/22 9:51 AM

Brian Haney, CLTC, CFS, CIS, CFBS, LACP, CAE, NAIFA's Young Advisor Team (YAT) Leader of the Year recently shared five keys to his success as a financial professional with InsuranceNewsNet's AdvisorNews. Haney is the Founder and Vice President of the Haney Company in Silver Spring, MD. He has been a loyal NAIFA member since 2013 and is very engaged and active in our association.

Topics: Grow Your Business Business Performance Center Loyal Member
2 min read

The Perfect LinkedIn Profile is Within Reach

By NAIFA on 2/9/22 7:00 AM

A LinkedIn profile is a critical tool in today's world if you want to grow your business and client base. It can add immense value to your professional and personal brand. Conversely, the absence of a social media profile means lost opportunities. 

Follow LinkedIn's Lead

The LinkedIn website will lead you through the process of building your profile. Have an updated resume handy as you begin the process. Take a look at profiles of others in your industry. Make sure to use a professional headshot; it can make or break your profile. While it may be tempting to use a decades younger picture−don't. Your picture should reflect your professional, approachable, trustworthy self. It's worth spending some money to be sure you have the right picture, and don't be afraid to smile.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business
1 min read

How to Prospect Using Facebook

By NAIFA on 2/2/22 10:00 AM

Facebook is a huge source of potential clients and customers and professionals who overlook Facebook as a connection channel with prospects miss out big time. Here are three tips for prospecting using Facebook and getting positive results.

1. Create a Profile that Defines you

To find new clients, it's important to create a unique profile that showcases who you are and what you care about. How you present yourself on Facebook is a big factor in whether they visit, or even notice, your profile. 

Topics: Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business
2 min read

Small Business Owners: 5 Things You Must Know to be Successful

By Branislav Dovedan, COO of EveryIncome on 1/25/22 10:06 AM

If you run a company with fewer than 500 employees, you have a small business. According to the SBA, small businesses make up 99.7% of the businesses in the country, so you have good company.

But how do you remain a successful small business – one that doesn’t fail within the first 18 months? Here are 5 things you must know.

Topics: Prospecting Grow Your Business Small Business Potential Partners for Advisors
2 min read

How Financial Advisors Can Recruit Prospective Clients via LinkedIn

By NAIFA on 1/21/22 8:00 AM

It's become the new norm to be directed to an official social media page when you visit most business websites. Why? There are 3.2 billion active internet users worldwide, roughly 45% of the world population. This figure is an honest answer to why businesses are now engaging prospective customers on their social media platforms.

With the expansion of the digital space, all spectrums of industry have become more interactive in their social media platforms to net potential clients. Recruiting within social media platforms varies from sector to sector. The focus here will be on the financial sector professionals and how the LinkedIn platform has been essential in helping them recruit potential clients.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business
4 min read

7 Growth Hacks to Grow Your Practice in Two Years

By Brad Swineheart on 1/14/22 8:00 AM

If you are a financial advisor trying to grow your practice, Dean Thurman, Senior Partner of InvestWise Financial and Co-Founder of White Glove, has a few growth hacks for you.

While many advisors were down in revenue during 2020, Dean’s office showed a 5% increase.  So far in 2021, Dean’s office is showing 53% revenue growth.

Dean attributes much of his success to these 7 growth hacks that his office has put into place over the last few years.

Topics: Marketing Grow Your Business Potential Partners for Advisors
3 min read

5 Easy Ways to Stay Top of Mind

By Brad Swineheart on 12/31/21 10:30 AM

Are you leaving money on the table?

If you aren’t nurturing and engaging with your leads and clients, the answer is yes. According to Invesp, “Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost.”

Lead generation is only the first step in a well-rounded, efficient marketing plan. To maximize your lead generating efforts, you need to interact with those leads and connect with your clients. If you don’t keep in touch with them, they’re likely to forget about you, and that leaves the door wide open for your competition to creep in. 

Topics: Marketing Grow Your Business Potential Partners for Advisors
5 min read

4 Strategies Financial Advisors Use to Build Trust

By Luke Acree, President of ReminderMedia on 12/27/21 9:30 AM

Consider just how much trust someone needs to have in their financial advisor to give them continuous access to, and nearly complete control of, their life’s savings, their retirement income, and their future security and dreams. That degree of trust ranks right up there with entrusting your life to a surgeon, your children’s wellbeing to a nanny, and your heart to your spouse.

Trust like that isn’t simply granted to a financial advisor because of a single phone call.

Topics: Referrals Professional Development Prospecting Grow Your Business
2 min read

The Benefits of Investing Education for Individuals

By Ted Mekonnen on 12/15/21 10:00 AM

While the stock market tends to dominate news cycles surrounding any current large-scale event, too many average Americans are uneducated when it comes to investing. When many people see reports of record market highs and losses, massive government bailouts, and changing legislation regarding interest rates and taxes, they do not have the educational background or investing experience to translate these headlines into meaningful analyses and applications for their daily lives. Investing education is critical for all Americans, particularly in times of economic turmoil. Consider these benefits of investing education when making financial decisions with your clients.

Topics: Financial Planning Grow Your Business Potential Partners for Advisors
