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1 min read

Upcoming Webinar: How to Turn Clients into Raving Fans

By NAIFA on 3/14/22 12:58 PM

Don't miss NAIFA partner ReminderMedia's webinar "How to Turn Clients into Raving Fans"! ReminderMedia President Luke Acree will outline the importance of focusing on relationships, not transactions.

In the webinar, Acree will help you:

  • Discover why you need to be known, liked, and trusted before you can do business
  • Find out how one psychological trigger will guarantee a desired response
  • Learn why focusing on transactions rather than relationships will kill your business

Learn More and Register

The webinar will take place on March 24th at 1 pm eastern.

Topics: Prospecting Grow Your Business Webinar Business Performance Center Potential Partners for Advisors
2 min read

Small Business Owners: 5 Things You Must Know to be Successful

By Branislav Dovedan, COO of EveryIncome on 1/25/22 10:06 AM

If you run a company with fewer than 500 employees, you have a small business. According to the SBA, small businesses make up 99.7% of the businesses in the country, so you have good company.

But how do you remain a successful small business – one that doesn’t fail within the first 18 months? Here are 5 things you must know.

Topics: Prospecting Grow Your Business Small Business Potential Partners for Advisors
5 min read

4 Strategies Financial Advisors Use to Build Trust

By Luke Acree, President of ReminderMedia on 12/27/21 9:30 AM

Consider just how much trust someone needs to have in their financial advisor to give them continuous access to, and nearly complete control of, their life’s savings, their retirement income, and their future security and dreams. That degree of trust ranks right up there with entrusting your life to a surgeon, your children’s wellbeing to a nanny, and your heart to your spouse.

Trust like that isn’t simply granted to a financial advisor because of a single phone call.

Topics: Referrals Professional Development Prospecting Grow Your Business
6 min read

Top 10 Ways Financial Advisors Can Earn Referrals in 2022

By Luke Acree, President of ReminderMedia on 12/10/21 9:30 AM

For financial advisors, referrals are—and will probably always be—the primary method of generating new business. It seems like every business blogger out there has the best, top, greatest, or most unique ideas for generating referrals. Personally, my favorite book title proclaiming its best ways to get referrals is this one: Endless Referrals, Third Edition.

I guess the previous editions didn’t result in endless referrals as promised.

To capitalize on the referral market, there are only two aspects of your business that are worth focusing on: delivering an exceptional client experience and continuously developing relationships with clients and spheres of influence.

Topics: Referrals Professional Development Prospecting Grow Your Business
2 min read

How Financial Advisors Can Recruit Prospective Clients Via LinkedIn

By NAIFA on 2/22/21 1:00 PM

It has become the new norm nowadays to be directed to an official social media page once you visit most business websites. Why is this so? There are 3.2 billion active internet users worldwide. This figure translates to roughly 45% of the world population. This figure is an honest answer to why businesses are now engaging prospective customers on their social media platforms.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business LinkedIn
2 min read

Top 5 Tips for Successful Prospecting - LinkedIn

By NAIFA on 1/13/21 1:01 PM

Focusing on the right people and companies will make the difference in prospecting smarter, not harder. LinkedIn is an influential platform with senior-level influencers and top company decision-makers. If you use it well, you can grow your list of prospects.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Prospecting Business Performance Center
1 min read

How Can You Optimize Webinars to Convert More Leads?

By NAIFA on 1/13/21 12:57 PM

As we tread into the digital age, it's crucial to make sure that your insurance firm or financial services agency is keeping abreast with the best practices to drive and convert new prospects. Webinars offer a great platform to provide interactive content to prospective customers and get feedback in real-time. You can consider adopting the following strategies to ensure that your webinars covert as many leads as possible into the business:

Topics: Prospecting Business Performance Center
2 min read

Harnessing the Power of Webinar During Prospecting

By NAIFA on 1/13/21 12:38 PM

The webinar presents an ideal platform for any type of business, including insurance to land leads, nurture them, and consequently convert them into customers. For any successful financial services firm, it offers the perfect avenue to provide thought leadership, present appealing content to attract qualified leads, and land them accordingly. You can harness the power of this platform in the following ways:

Topics: Prospecting Business Performance Center
