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Recent posts by NAIFA

2 min read

Body Language as a Tool for Establishing Credibility and Enhancing Communication

By NAIFA on 4/4/23 9:47 AM

Making agreements and the business sector are often portrayed in popular culture as cutthroat environments where everyone is looking out for number one. The reality is that trust is the cornerstone of fruitful business relationships and transactions.

Consider these six suggestions to demonstrate your integrity to prospective partners and business acquaintances.

Topics: Marketing Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
3 min read

The Key to Building Mental Strength in the Financial Sector

By NAIFA on 3/14/23 11:06 AM

We've all heard the old adage, "knowledge is power." However, while knowledge is power in some situations, in others, it only becomes powerful once it is applied. For example, if you want to get in shape, knowing how to diet and exercise is not enough—you actually have to put that knowledge into practice.

In the financial sector, mental strength is also key. Just like physical fitness, mental toughness can be developed and strengthened with training. And like physical fitness, there are different exercises that can help build mental strength.

Topics: Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
2 min read

Highlights from Our Business Performance Center Sponsors

By NAIFA on 2/22/23 12:27 PM

As part of February's I Love NAIFA Month, we are highlighting all the aspects of the association we love. We are grateful for our Business Performance Center partners, who help provide agents and advisors with the tools and resources to build your agency or firm. 

Don't miss some of the recent content highlights from our BPC partners to help you take your business to the next level.

Topics: Business Performance Center NAIFA Partner
3 min read

5 Things Mentally Strong People Do For Long-term Growth

By NAIFA on 2/7/23 10:00 AM

When you think of mentally strong people, who comes to mind? Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, Kobe Bryant, Tony Robbins? These icons all have habits and practices that you can learn from and adopt in your own life. Below are five tips you can implement today to jumpstart your self-improvement journey.

3 min read

Proven Reading Habits of The Highly Successful People

By NAIFA on 1/31/23 10:00 AM

Highly successful people are constantly working to improve their knowledge and skills and one of the best ways they do this is by reading. Whether it's reading for pleasure or reading to gain new knowledge or skills, there is a clear link between highly successful people and their love of reading.

1 min read

Upcoming Webinar: Becoming an Introduction Machine

By NAIFA on 1/17/23 11:36 AM

Join NAIFA's Business Performance Center for a webinar on Tuesday, January 24 at 1 pm eastern. Hear from NAIFA Coaches Circle leader Joe Templin to learn how you can reliably get your foot in the door and get your name out there.

Topics: Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business Business Performance Center Insurance
4 min read

Social Media Mistakes to Avoid for Your Business

By NAIFA on 1/9/23 3:16 PM

Social media marketing can be a huge boost to your business, and you often hear about the best strategies and practices to implement. However, when crafting the perfect social media plan, you also need to think about mistakes to steer clear of to ensure your campaign is a success.

In this article, we will cover some of the top errors businesses by social media platforms and how to avoid them!

Topics: Marketing Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
1 min read

Q1 State of NAIFA Introduces 2023 NAIFA President Bryon Holz

By NAIFA on 1/3/23 3:48 PM

On Thursday, January 10, join 2023 NAIFA-National President Bryon Holz, NAIFA CEO Kevin Mayeux, and NAIFA SVP of Government Relations Diane Boyle for the first State of NAIFA webinar of the new year. 

Holz, Mayeux, and Boyle will share an update on where NAIFA is as an organization, preview NAIFA's advocacy goals for the new year, and highlight the benefits available exclusively to NAIFA members.

Topics: Grow Your Business Webinar
2 min read

Perfecting Your Public Speaking Prowess

By NAIFA on 12/6/22 10:00 AM

Public speaking is one of the most important skills a business professional can possess, but it's also a skill that can be difficult to master. There are many things to consider when preparing for and delivering a speech. That's why it's important to perfect your public speaking prowess.

Topics: Professional Development Grow Your Business
3 min read

7 Books Top Business Leaders Are Reading Right Now

By NAIFA on 11/29/22 10:00 AM

There's no question that reading is essential for success. But what books are top leaders reading right now? We've gathered some of the most popular titles in insurance and financial services, leadership, and entrepreneurship. Whether you're looking to gain new insights or stay up-to-date on the latest trends, these books are sure to provide value.

Topics: Grow Your Business Books
