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When you think of mentally strong people, who comes to mind? Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, Kobe Bryant, Tony Robbins? These icons all have habits and practices that you can learn from and adopt in your own life. Below are five tips you can implement today to jumpstart your self-improvement journey.

1. Learn how to bounce back.

One aspect of mental strength is resilience, or the ability to overcome barriers. Rather than viewing obstacles as limitations, the mentally strong view obstacles as opportunities for growth and use their past experiences to help others.

2. Develop a unique definition of success tailored to your goals.

Most professionals feel pressured by Western society to fit into the predefined mold of success set forth by those before them. The world's mentally fittest people cast aside this belief and instead formulate a personal definition of success that aligns with their needs, wants, and goals.

3. Accept responsibility for your actions—and never make the same mistake twice.

Every action we take has a rippling effect on our lives and careers, and it can be challenging to own up to our mistakes when we make poor decisions. Rather than dwell on their mistakes, mentally tough people do everything they can to correct and learn from their mistakes to ensure they don't happen again.

4. Practice gratitude.

Have you ever wondered how the world's most successful people can stay calm under pressure? Studies have shown that regularly practicing gratitude changes the brain's structure over time because of the consistent release of the neurotransmitters that regulate our emotions: dopamine and serotonin. Gratitude can help us fight stress, grief, pain, depression, and anxiety more effectively and increase happiness and empathy.

Check out these easy ways to get started cultivating your gratitude practice.

5. Cultivate a powerful mindset and set healthy boundaries.

Certain mindsets can profoundly impact your chances of success, such as people-pleasing, fear of failure, ego, and self-doubt. Success can be hard to find with these beliefs holding you back, especially when compounded with poor boundaries.

Learn how to say "no" to energy drainers, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and listen to your gut more often. When you put your needs first, you can stay focused on your goals and be more emotionally available to help those around you.

The Takeaway

Achieving mindfulness can feel impossible when you're just getting started. Over time, however, you may notice subtle changes in your behaviors and thought patterns. You may even see improved work performance, brighter moods, or better relationships with those around you.

Put these tips into motion daily and you'll be well on your way to a more cognizant self.
