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Recent posts by NAIFA

2 min read

How to Use Video to Grow Your Business

By NAIFA on 7/5/22 2:00 PM

When growing your business, connecting with as many people as possible is essential. That means not just writing blog posts and social media posts but also using video to appeal to a broader audience. Start creating engaging video content with these tips.

Topics: Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business
2 min read

4 Strategies for Prospecting Using a Podcast

By NAIFA on 6/28/22 10:00 AM

Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular in the marketing and sales world. If you're looking to increase your revenue and identify opportunities, listening to a podcast is a great place to start. Here are  4 different ideas and strategies to generate more leads using a podcast.

Topics: Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business Podcast Protect Your Business Small Business
1 min read

Loyal NAIFA Member Cheryl Canzanella Joins Fairway Independent Mortgage

By NAIFA on 5/26/22 10:29 AM

We're pleased to congratulate loyal NAIFA member Cheryl Canzanella, CLU, ChSNC, LUTCF, on her new position with NAIFA partner Fairway Independent Mortgage. Cheryl will take over the role of HECM Business Development Manager - Retirement Solutions.

Since joining NAIFA in 2010, Cheryl has been active in the NAIFA community. She is a Past President of NAIFA-Northeast Florida and has served in leadership positions at the local, state, and national levels. She is also a recipient of NAIFA-FL's President’s award. In 2019, she was recognized as NAIFA’s Young Advisor Team Leader of the Year. Cheryl is also a Founding Past President of Women in Insurance & Financial Services (WIFS) Northeast Florida.

Topics: #NAIFAProud Leaders
4 min read

A Guide to Creating a Podcast to Build Your Brand

By NAIFA on 5/24/22 10:00 AM

The podcast industry has grown tremendously over the last few years, reaching over 100 million Americans alone. Because of that growth, more and more businesses are turning to podcasts to help promote their goods and services.

If you've been thinking about starting a podcast, you've come to the right place. With this straightforward guide, you'll be podcasting in no time. Even if you're not that tech-savvy, we'll show you how to create a podcast to build your brand in eight simple steps.

Topics: Marketing Grow Your Business Protect Your Business Small Business
2 min read

Using Marketing Automation to Grow and Optimize Your Business

By NAIFA on 5/17/22 10:00 AM

As a results-driven business owner, you know your time is valuable. You want to spend it on adding value to your business. That's why you need an effective marketing automation strategy in place. Marketing automation can take care of the repetitive tasks so you can focus your efforts on the most important aspects of your job.

The best part is that you don't have to be technical or computer savvy to benefit from marketing automation. There are many tools available for free and affordable options that allow you to create great-looking landing pages, build email campaigns, track conversions, send emails, and much more.

Topics: Marketing Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business Protect Your Business
1 min read

Upcoming Webinar: How to Turn Clients into Raving Fans

By NAIFA on 3/14/22 12:58 PM

Don't miss NAIFA partner ReminderMedia's webinar "How to Turn Clients into Raving Fans"! ReminderMedia President Luke Acree will outline the importance of focusing on relationships, not transactions.

In the webinar, Acree will help you:

  • Discover why you need to be known, liked, and trusted before you can do business
  • Find out how one psychological trigger will guarantee a desired response
  • Learn why focusing on transactions rather than relationships will kill your business

Learn More and Register

The webinar will take place on March 24th at 1 pm eastern.

Topics: Prospecting Grow Your Business Webinar Business Performance Center Potential Partners for Advisors
3 min read

3 Ways to Leverage Twitter to Find New Clients

By NAIFA on 3/9/22 10:00 AM

Twitter is one of the most widely used social media platforms in the world, with an advertising audience of 353 million users on the platform. For professionals in the insurance and financial services industry, Twitter presents an opportunity to network and use the social network as a place for finding prospective clients. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind if you want to be successful at using Twitter for finding prospective customers.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business
1 min read

NAIFA YAT Leader of the Year Brian Haney Shares Five Keys to His Success

By NAIFA on 3/4/22 9:51 AM

Brian Haney, CLTC, CFS, CIS, CFBS, LACP, CAE, NAIFA's Young Advisor Team (YAT) Leader of the Year recently shared five keys to his success as a financial professional with InsuranceNewsNet's AdvisorNews. Haney is the Founder and Vice President of the Haney Company in Silver Spring, MD. He has been a loyal NAIFA member since 2013 and is very engaged and active in our association.

Topics: Grow Your Business Business Performance Center Loyal Member
1 min read

Make Your Business Thrive, Not Just Survive

By NAIFA on 3/2/22 3:00 PM

You can stay in business for a long time by being efficient in the use of your materials and resources, having a strong hold on who you are, and surrounding yourself with other successful, young entrepreneurs.

Efficiency is key to remaining competitive in today's market. When you determine your strengths, you can harness them to maximize your leverage. Using personified production methods, such as dividing a production process into separate operations completed by different people or at different times, allows you to be more efficient. Play on your strengths and know that developing these skill sets will give you an edge over competition, both new and seasoned.

Topics: Small Business
2 min read

The Perfect LinkedIn Profile is Within Reach

By NAIFA on 2/9/22 7:00 AM

A LinkedIn profile is a critical tool in today's world if you want to grow your business and client base. It can add immense value to your professional and personal brand. Conversely, the absence of a social media profile means lost opportunities. 

Follow LinkedIn's Lead

The LinkedIn website will lead you through the process of building your profile. Have an updated resume handy as you begin the process. Take a look at profiles of others in your industry. Make sure to use a professional headshot; it can make or break your profile. While it may be tempting to use a decades younger picture−don't. Your picture should reflect your professional, approachable, trustworthy self. It's worth spending some money to be sure you have the right picture, and don't be afraid to smile.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business
