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Recent posts by NAIFA

1 min read

How to Prospect Using Facebook

By NAIFA on 2/2/22 10:00 AM

Facebook is a huge source of potential clients and customers and professionals who overlook Facebook as a connection channel with prospects miss out big time. Here are three tips for prospecting using Facebook and getting positive results.

1. Create a Profile that Defines you

To find new clients, it's important to create a unique profile that showcases who you are and what you care about. How you present yourself on Facebook is a big factor in whether they visit, or even notice, your profile. 

Topics: Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business
2 min read

How Financial Advisors Can Recruit Prospective Clients via LinkedIn

By NAIFA on 1/21/22 8:00 AM

It's become the new norm to be directed to an official social media page when you visit most business websites. Why? There are 3.2 billion active internet users worldwide, roughly 45% of the world population. This figure is an honest answer to why businesses are now engaging prospective customers on their social media platforms.

With the expansion of the digital space, all spectrums of industry have become more interactive in their social media platforms to net potential clients. Recruiting within social media platforms varies from sector to sector. The focus here will be on the financial sector professionals and how the LinkedIn platform has been essential in helping them recruit potential clients.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business
1 min read

Watch 'Exploring Money Mountaineering' Webinar On-Demand

By NAIFA on 11/18/21 3:52 PM

Exploring Money Mountaineering with Harlan Accola, National Reverse Mortgage Director at Fairway, and Peter Neuwirth, Senior Consulting Actuary at CapAcuity, is now available on demand!

The webinar explains Neuwirth's six foundational principles of Holistic Financial Wellness, teaching how to create a framework to make sound financial decisions and how to prepare psychologically for a changing landscape.

Watch On-Demand

Topics: Financial Planning Webinar Financial Wellness Financial Literacy Business Performance Center
3 min read

Watch APC Impact Week Sessions On Demand

By NAIFA on 11/12/21 10:08 AM

If you missed this year’s Advanced Practice Center Impact Week, don’t worry! We have everything you need to know on-demand. Check out our 10, one-hour sessions with industry experts, including: 

Topics: Running Your Practice Grow Your Business
1 min read

Exploring Money Mountaineering With Harlan Accola and Peter Neuwirth

By NAIFA on 10/22/21 8:00 AM

On November 12, author and Senior Consulting Actuary Peter Neuwirth, FSA, will join Harlan Accola, CRMP, CSA, (loyal NAIFA since 2015) National Reverse Mortgage Director of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, to present "Exploring Money Mountaineering."

This webinar will focus on Neuwirth's six foundational principles of Holistic Financial Wellness. Neuwirth and Accola will discuss how the lessons learned from the Covid-19 crisis can help us prepare, psychologically and financially, for the uncertainty of the future.

The event will take place on Friday, November 12, at 2 pm eastern.


Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation is an Educational Partner to NAIFA.  For members, you can learn more about Fairway and how to partner within the Member Portal.  

Topics: Financial Planning Financial Wellness Financial Literacy Business Performance Center
1 min read

NAIFA and Carefull Announce Educational Partnership

By NAIFA on 10/7/21 5:15 PM

The National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) and Carefull have completed an educational partnership agreement to advance thought leadership and consumer education and promote professional cooperation between the two organizations. Under the partnership, Carefull will provide preferred access to the Carefull monitoring technology for NAIFA members, content for NAIFA blog posts and social media platforms, as well as articles around protecting and managing older adult's finances for NAIFA’s Advisor Today

Topics: Long-Term Care Financial Wellness Press Release Potential Partners for Advisors
3 min read

NAIFA has Partnered with White Glove to Provide Marketing Solutions for Members

By NAIFA on 9/29/21 2:00 PM

NAIFA and White Glove have completed a marketing partnership agreement. The two organizations will work together to bring modern marketing practices to financial services professionals while raising awareness of the critical advocacy work that NAIFA undertakes at the state, interstate, and federal levels.  White Glove is a founding partner of NAIFA’s Business Performance Center that provides thought leadership to agents and advisors on practice management.

Topics: Marketing Press Release Potential Partners for Advisors
3 min read

OneAmerica Partners with NAIFA to Support Advocacy and Educational Initiatives

By NAIFA on 6/10/21 5:21 PM

NAIFA and OneAmerica® have completed an agreement on the Educational Partner Program, under which OneAmerica will provide educational content and thought leadership for NAIFA’s Advisor Today platform as well as its Centers for Excellence: The Business Performance Center, Limited and Extended Care Planning Center, and Talent Development Center. OneAmerica sponsored and participated within NAIFA’s 2021 Virtual Congressional Conference held May 25-26th that drew more than 1,350 advisors, and will be a key sponsor for the upcoming Performance+Purpose conference to be held virtually August 17-19, 2021. 

Topics: Talent Development Center Business Performance Center Limited & Extended Care Planning Center
2 min read

NAIFA and ReminderMedia Announce Marketing Partnership

By NAIFA on 6/8/21 2:30 PM

NAIFA and ReminderMedia have completed a marketing partnership agreement to promote professional cooperation between the two organizations. Under the partnership, ReminderMedia is a founding member of the Business Performance Center. NAIFA and ReminderMedia will work together to give broader access for financial professionals and consumers in areas where the organizations’ interests overlap.

Topics: Business Performance Center
2 min read

How Financial Advisors Can Recruit Prospective Clients Via LinkedIn

By NAIFA on 2/22/21 1:00 PM

It has become the new norm nowadays to be directed to an official social media page once you visit most business websites. Why is this so? There are 3.2 billion active internet users worldwide. This figure translates to roughly 45% of the world population. This figure is an honest answer to why businesses are now engaging prospective customers on their social media platforms.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business LinkedIn
