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4 min read

“Agency” Is Not Your Business Model

By Client Focus on 3/3/23 4:04 PM

This might be jarring for some readers. 10% will get it, and 1% will do something about it. Those who do will still compete for sales but not revenue, profit, or market share. We’re talking massive advantage.

“Insurance Agency” is not a business model. It’s a business. And that matters WAY MORE than you think.

Topics: Sales Research/Trends Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
2 min read

Highlights from Our Business Performance Center Sponsors

By NAIFA on 2/22/23 12:27 PM

As part of February's I Love NAIFA Month, we are highlighting all the aspects of the association we love. We are grateful for our Business Performance Center partners, who help provide agents and advisors with the tools and resources to build your agency or firm. 

Don't miss some of the recent content highlights from our BPC partners to help you take your business to the next level.

Topics: Business Performance Center NAIFA Partner
3 min read

Insurance Agent vs. AI: What You Need To Know

By Client Focus on 2/14/23 3:32 PM

Matt Wagner of NAIFA Business Performance Center Partner, Client Focus, shares what agents and advisors need to know about AI and what it means for the industry.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the masses came online in December. It’s called ChatGPT. You can communicate with it at openai.com. It gives impressive answers to hard questions in seconds. Many think it will put Google search out of business. Maybe put schools out of business. AI is coming like a wrecking ball for repetitive, commodity work.

What about insurance agents? I was going to share my thoughts, but then it hit me.

Why not just ask AI?

So I did.

Topics: Research/Trends Technology Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
4 min read

7 Strategies for Creating Your Business Blueprint

By Daniel C. Finley on 1/26/23 10:30 AM

If you are like most advisors, you have aspirations and dreams to build your business. You may have thoughts of creating business plans to assist you in reaching your goals. However, ask yourself this question: “How many times have I created a business plan only to file it away or lose my motivation to follow it through?”

Oftentimes, advisors start out their business plans with the best of intentions, only to get sidetracked by the day-to-day operations which leave those plans unattended and ultimately unfulfilled. If this has happened to you, rest assured that you are not alone. So what is the solution?

No matter what time of the year, no matter what stage of your planning, a business plan is not enough, you need a business blueprint!

Topics: Planning in Advance Grow Your Business Small Business Business Performance Center Insurance
5 min read

9 Ways to Make Customer Conversations Awesome

By Client Focus on 1/25/23 10:48 AM

Matt Wagner of NAIFA Business Performance Center Partner, Client Focus, shares nine ideas on how to drive high-value sales and help grow your business.

When I was an engineer, I won sales where the sales team couldn’t. Customers felt like I understood them and their ideal outcomes, which was true.

These 9 ideas have helped me drive high-value sales, in addition to:

  • building trust
  • maximizing customer lifetime value
  • generating a lot of referrals and repeat business
  • making me love my job
Topics: Sales Sales & Marketing Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
1 min read

Upcoming Webinar: Becoming an Introduction Machine

By NAIFA on 1/17/23 11:36 AM

Join NAIFA's Business Performance Center for a webinar on Tuesday, January 24 at 1 pm eastern. Hear from NAIFA Coaches Circle leader Joe Templin to learn how you can reliably get your foot in the door and get your name out there.

Topics: Marketing Prospecting Grow Your Business Business Performance Center Insurance
4 min read

Social Media Mistakes to Avoid for Your Business

By NAIFA on 1/9/23 3:16 PM

Social media marketing can be a huge boost to your business, and you often hear about the best strategies and practices to implement. However, when crafting the perfect social media plan, you also need to think about mistakes to steer clear of to ensure your campaign is a success.

In this article, we will cover some of the top errors businesses by social media platforms and how to avoid them!

Topics: Marketing Social Media Marketing Grow Your Business Business Performance Center
4 min read

Building Your Business in a Bear Market

By Daniel C. Finley on 12/15/22 10:00 AM

If you are in the financial services industry your business is tethered to the market. When the market is up so is your business but when the market is down, so is your business. It’s inevitable especially if you have a fee-based business. When the market and your assets under management drop it also means your gross commissions drop.

When this happens, do your business-building activities necessarily need to follow suit? The answer is “no”. However, many advisors stop prospecting because they don’t have a good strategy for continuing to do that task during a Bear Market.

If you are viewing a Bear Market as an obstacle rather than an opportunity you certainly won’t reach the next level.

Topics: Prospecting Grow Your Business Business Performance Center Insurance
3 min read

Are You Coachable?

By Daniel C. Finley on 12/7/22 10:00 AM

Are you on a production plateau? Many advisors and agents are. In fact, at some point, every financial advisor, insurance agent, wholesaler, branch manager, and even agency manager hits a production plateau. I know because I’ve coached them all through one.

So, what do you do? The real question is if you had all the tips, tools, techniques, strategies, and solutions…would you apply them? In other words, are you coachable?

Topics: Grow Your Business Business Performance Center Insurance
1 min read

The Top 3 Financial Products to Weather This Financial Storm

By NAIFA on 11/16/22 1:30 PM

Join NAIFA's Business Performance Center for a webinar on Tuesday, November 29 at 1 pm eastern. Sit down for a discussion with Harlan Accola of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, and Caleb Guilliams, Founder of BetterWealth, to learn about the three products your clients must have to survive this intense financial storm. 

Topics: Financial Planning Grow Your Business Business Performance Center Insurance
