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As 2022 draws to a close, now is a great time to reassess your client engagement strategy. Show your clients you care about them and their business with these tips. 

1. Establish Great Customer Experiences

A great customer experience means customers have a positive relationship with your product or service and enjoy their interactions with you. If every interaction between you and your client leads to an experience that leaves them happy, they'll be more likely to call on you in the future.

To relate to your customers, you make sure that your business is meaningful to them. Focusing on a few fundamental values ensures that your brand stays genuinely unique, memorable, and meaningful. This will help clients build a positive relationship with your brand and ensure they turn to you in the future.

2. Stay Connected and Communicate Well

You can remain top of mind with clients at all times by staying connected with them. To do this, you should maintain consistent contact with them and keep them updated on your business news. In addition, a crucial part of staying connected is acting as a reliable source of information about insurance and financial products and news. This will help ensure that clients engage with you more often than other sources and build a strong relationship with your brand.

3. Nurture Retention

After establishing a relationship with clients, your next step is to keep them coming back. Nurture your relationships with clients by providing something for them each time they engage with your brand. A year-end gift is also a great way to show your clients that you care.


Keeping this core focus on what your brand stands for will allow you to maintain a high level of client engagement throughout the year. The more engaged clients become, the more likely they will look to you for their future products and services.

For more tips on growing your business, subscribe to our Business Performance Center blog.
