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Live virtual webinars are becoming more and more popular for businesses of all sizes. The COVID-19 pandemic made doing business online a necessity, but webinars have proven to be incredibly effective, even as more businesses return to in-person meetings.

Now, webinars play an integral role in the growth and success of companies. They cost-effectively provide a platform for important discussions and help build and maintain relationships critical to a business's success.

How can you make sure that your webinar goes smoothly? Read on for tips on hosting and participating in a live virtual webinar.

Hosting a Webinar

1. Be prepared and organized

As the host, you should invest time in preparing and planning. Thorough preparation helps you anticipate any problems you might encounter and plan how to overcome them. 

In the preparation stage, identify your webinar's format. The most common types of live virtual webinars are panel discussions, single-speaker presentations, Q&A, and interviews. Each has its own advantages. Make sure you choose the webinar type that best fits your goals.

2. Choose the right hosting platform

Choosing a webinar hosting platform is an often-overlooked step in preparing for a webinar. It's easy to choose the platform with the highest name recognition, but there may be a better tool for your needs. Make sure you pick the best platform for your webinar.

3. Prepare your materials

You may include several types of content in your webinar, including PowerPoint presentations, polls, pre-recorded videos, and real-time chat. Take time to make sure each of your tools is available when needed. A practice run of your presentation can help you identify and plan for any potential issues.

Participating in a Webinar

1. Stay away from noise

Unless you're presenting a webinar or actively engaged in a discussion, it's a good idea to mute your microphone. If you do plan to be a part of a discussion during the webinar, make sure you're in a quiet place without excessive background noise. 

2. Be courteous

If the webinar you're participating in includes a Q&A portion, keep your comments and questions short and to the point. If you have more to add, or if you have a question before the Q&A session, it may be a good idea to use the chat feature in the webinar platform. 

3. Take notes

Just like with in-person meetings, taking notes of important points from the speaker can help you get the most out of the webinar. You can reference your notes later to remember the presentation's themes.

Key Takeaway

Whether hosting or attending a webinar, careful preparation is key to the success of a live virtual webinar. Keep these tips in mind and get to have the best experiences and fruitful live virtual webinars.
