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Join NAIFA's Business Performance Center for a webinar on Wednesday, April 26 at 12 pm eastern as partner AccuPoint Solutions will help ensure you maximize your ROI when using data to brand, market, recruit, analyze, or update your CRM.

Gary Weber, Founder and CEO of AccuPoint Solutions, will share his expertise from over 35 years in the industry, where he has been both a user and supplier of data to help you increase productivity, and learn how to leverage data to maximize your results.

At this webinar you will learn:

  • Whether you are a DYI firm, or you have large teams working your data, learn how to best leverage your provider for maximum results.

  • Understand how data can be leveraged with other vendors and tools, either in hybrid or outsourced models.

  • Learn from past mistakes users have made that have dramatically decreased their productivityLearn More & Register
