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The most successful entrepreneurs often have a few common traits. Whether you are an insurance agent, financial adviser, or any other type of solo business owner, use these tips to succeed.

Planning for the Future

Start with a solid business plan. Include funding sources such as loans, marketing and advertising ideas, client acquisition, and financial projections for expenses and profit. A business plan is just a start. Once you're in business, continue making plans and keeping track of progress. Where do you see yourself and your business in five years? Make a detailed plan for getting there!

Setting Goals

No matter whether you are a new entrepreneur or have been in business for a while, there is always room for improvement. This includes business goals such as getting more sales and increasing profit as well as personal goals, including self-improvement and learning new skills. For maximum success, aim high and keep track of your progress.

Being Able to Sell

It isn't just about bringing in revenue from sales of your product or service—the ability to sell yourself is important as well. If you are looking for investors, partners, or new clients, you need to be able to win their confidence in your abilities.

Keeping a Consistent Schedule

This may be difficult for first-time entrepreneurs who are used to a "nine to five" schedule at their old place of employment, as well as anyone who is working from home. Creating a routine and sticking with it is key. Even if you don't have a physical storefront or office, you can set working hours for yourself and getting to work on time.

Staying Motivated

Entrepreneurs need to have discipline and motivation to get the job done. Remember why you went into business for yourself—and stick with that motivation!

These are just a few keys to running a successful business. As you find success, continue to adhere to these basic abilities and increase your skills.
