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Do you feel connected to your clients? Or, maybe a better question is, do your clients feel connected to you? If you don’t have a systematic way of connecting with them, the answer is probably “no”. And if that's the case, know that you are not alone.

The challenge with this scenario is that if you are not consistently connecting with your clients, eventually, someone else will call them, ask to meet with them, review their investments and insurance, and take them on as a client. The reason is because they DON’T feel connected to you.

Now, imagine the opposite scenario: you create a client connection system, and you have been implementing it. Then, your client or clients get a phone call from the competition asking them if they want a second opinion on their investments and insurance. But, in this scenario, they say, “No thanks, I’m all taken care of,” and hang up. The reason they would do that is if they DO feel connected to you.

 I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

And I believe it’s true. But how do you consistently help clients feel good? The answer is that you need a client connection system! Let’s take a look at several strategies to do just that:

Strategy #1: Personalized Communication

This might seem like a no-brainer but personalized communication is one of those things that often gets overlooked or sidelined because people think they don’t have the time. Here’s how you can make it happen: through tailored engagement and understanding preferences. Let’s looks at a few ways to personalize communication: 

  • Instead of using generic templates, make sure to address your clients by their names.
  • Tailor your messages to their unique situations.
  • Get to know your clients' preferred ways of communication, phone calls, emails or texts.

 Strategy #2. Regular Check-Ins

Regular check-ins can be a game-changer when you are trying to connect with clients! That’s because it keeps you top of mind with them. There are two ways to do this: consistent contact and scheduled updates. Some check-in strategies include:

  • Quarterly or bi-annual portfolio reviews
  • Monthly newsletters
  • Scheduled check-in calls regarding market news or portfolio changes

 Strategy #3. Educational Content

This is a great way to not only make client connections but it also creates a platform for getting referrals or introductions. Here are two ways that you can do this: knowledge sharing and interactive learning. Some educational content strategies include:

  • Writing blogs on relevant topics
  • Hosting webinars for your clients and their friends
  • Hosting a weekly podcast, sending it to clients and posting it on social media

Strategy #4: Client Appreciation Events

This is a great way to show gratitude and it creates networking opportunities for you with your clients friends! Let’s take an in-depth look at both:

  • Show Gratitude: Let’s face it, hosting client appreciation events is a great way to show your gratitude. These can range from informal get-togethers to more formal events like dinners. Clients will start to look forward to these events and appreciate you doing them.
  • Networking Opportunities: These events can serve as networking opportunities for your clients to connect with each other. But, it can also serve to help you connect with their friends! If you ask your client base to bring a guest, they instantly become a new prospecting lead for you. And, you can make a connection with them before ever trying to set an appointment.

Why Creating Your Client Connection System Works

The reason why the aforementioned strategies work so well is because any and/or all of these help the client to feel connected to you. Remember, when a client feels connected they also feel appreciated and thus loyal. As a result, they won’t entertain the thought of going anywhere else!

In Advisor Solutions Podcast Episode #127: Creating Your Client Connection System, you will find a more comprehensive discussion of each strategy as well as additional ones, plus real-world examples of each.
