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6 min read

Mastering Your Morning Rituals

By Daniel C. Finley on 1/25/24 1:21 PM

Do you have a well-thought-out strategy to start your day off right? Like many people, you might not. Instead, you probably have morning routines on autopilot, like making your bed and brushing your teeth. But, if you want to get the most out of your day, it is not the morning routines that will change your life, it’s mastering morning rituals!


So, what’s the difference between morning routines and morning rituals?


One of the best definitions that I’ve seen is that the difference between a routine and a ritual is the intent behind the action. While routines can be repetitive, like making your bed or taking a shower, rituals are more meaningful practices that can create a real sense of purpose.


Tim Ferris, the author of the book, The 4 Hour Work Week, said it best, “If you win the morning, you win the day”.


And, I believe that it is true. But, how do you win the morning? It’s by having at least one or more of the following morning rituals consistently be a part of your day. Over the course of 20 years of coaching financial advisors and insurance agents, I’ve found a common thread among those who are successful; they all have at least one morning ritual.


Let’s look at five morning rituals that will change your business and your life:

Morning Ritual #1: Prayer & Journaling


This is a great way to start the day. When you take 30 minutes to pray and/or journal, you can feel peaceful as you begin the day.


Years ago, I read about a bible journaling process called S.O.A.P. Journaling. The acronym stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. I would simply ask God what he wanted me to learn, and then I would think of a word such as faith, love, or peace. Next, I would Google scriptures on that topic and highlight that scripture in my bible. Finally, I would do my S.O.A.P. Journal entry for the day. What I found was it brought me clarity, purpose, and peace. 


Morning Ritual #2: Exercise


Exercise is one of the most common morning rituals for successful advisors and agents because it can improve your mood, create more energy, and make you feel better.


John, a financial advisor client of mine, decided in January 2023 that he was going to exercise each morning with the end goal of losing 30lbs. He stuck to his morning ritual and not only accomplished his goal but lost a total of 40lbs! Then, he trained and ran his first marathon. This morning ritual has had a lasting impact on his health and mental well-being!


Morning Ritual #3: Stretching or Yoga


Stretching or yoga is one of the most popular morning rituals for many people because of all of the added benefits that it can provide, such as better posture, increased blood flow and better circulation.


Dana, a financial advisor client of mine with thirty-plus years in the business, would wake up early each morning and drive across town, and to go to a yoga class. During the Covid pandemic, she subscribed to an online yoga class in which all the participants were at home doing yoga while watching the instructor and their peers on a Zoom call. She liked it so much that she continues doing it to this day!


Morning Ritual #4: Meditation


Advisors and agents live in a stressful world, so having a process to de-stress or turn off your thoughts is important. And, one of the best ways to do this is by meditation because it can drop your anxiety, boost your mood and clear your mind.


As an example, Samantha, a financial advisor client of mine with twenty-plus years of experience, suffered from situational depression. We mapped out three things that helped her feel better, which were meditation, yoga, and exercise. She decided to use meditation as her first morning ritual to quiet her mind and it worked to get her not only calm but ironically motivated to do the other two morning rituals. Within months her situational depression was gone!


Morning Ritual #5: Listening to Motivational Messages


If you want to start your day on a positive note, listen to something first thing in the morning that’s inspiring, uplifting, and motivating! Take thirty minutes a day to listen to motivational audiobooks or podcasts, which can put you in a positive state of mind.


Frank, a financial advisor client of mine with ten years of experience, listens to The Advisor Solutions Podcast each morning while walking for 30 minutes. Combining these morning rituals keeps him not only positive but healthy as well!


Why Mastering Your Morning Rituals Works


The reason why Mastering Your Morning Rituals works is that when rituals are done over time, they can have a lasting positive impact; including reduced stress, mental clarity, and increased energy! In Advisor Solutions Podcast Episode #88, Mastering Your Morning Rituals, you will find that the reality of morning rituals is that they help you to create a wonderful way to start your day. And, that’s well worth mastering!

